Covid-19 Vaccine
Covid-19 Vaccine

The Pfizer vaccine was delivered in containers which required dry ice in order to keep the temperature at a -80 degrees and the vaccine had to be administered during the course of only four (4) days.

curae nulla dapibus dolor vel est

curae nulla dapibus dolor vel est

May 29, 2023
10:10 PM - 11:10 PM
State University of New York College of Technology at Alfred
Maecenas ut massa quis augue luctus tincidunt. Nulla mollis molestie lorem. Quisque ut erat. Curabitur gravida nisi at nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam augue quam, sollicitudin vitae, consectetuer eget, rutrum at, lorem.